Meet the Rinks-Wilson Family
This story is sad… on many different levels, but the KARE Foundation is so glad our paths crossed once again in a circuitous way.
We were introduced to the Wilson family by my niece who has a young baby and is a member of a mothers group called “Precious Little Sleep”. This group communicates strategies and offers advice on how to get your babies to sleep better. One morning, a member of the group sent out a message notifying the other members about an extremely sad situation and posted a GoFundMe site. My niece reviewed the site and knew she had to contact me to see if the KARE Foundation could help. This is where our story starts…
In 2022, Kenny and April’s then 7-year-old daughter, Claire, (now 10 years old), was diagnosed with brain cancer. Claire had a craniotomy in 2022 and was doing well, until last October, when there was a recurrence with 2 inoperable tumors. ☹ In December, April and Kenny welcomed their second child, Jackson, who was born with a severe cleft lip/palate requiring surgery. With all this going on, April’s husband Kenny, on February 15th, 2025, chose to end his time in this world. April is beyond devastated, hurt, sad, angry and heartbroken, especially for her children. Kevin suffered from depression for years but was doing well until his daughter’s recurrence of brain cancer. No one will ever know the pain he was in to take his life, especially leaving behind his wife to take on the significant challenges she faces with their beautiful children.
Kenny was the breadwinner in the family and had their insurance through his job. April was notified the insurance was going to end mid-March, and her sweet Jackson is scheduled for surgery toward the end of the month. In addition, Claire is continuing treatments of radiation and chemo to hopefully eradicate the new tumors. All these medical treatments are extremely expensive and the stress for April regarding how she was going to make this all work was overwhelming. Thankfully, she just received news that she has been approved for Medicaid. Next steps now will be how to financially, physically and emotionally support the family into the future without her best friend, partner, and love of her life.
Thankfully, April’s parents and Kenny’s family have been an amazing support system to April and the children. When speaking with April, it is apparent what a strong woman she is, especially knowing she HAS to move on for her children, who will need her even more. April did get some good news during all of this, the treatments for Claire’s cancer seem to be shrinking the tumors. We pray this trend continues!!!!
It is hard to imagine what some people endure in their lives. Mental illness is a disease that is also sometimes hard to treat and can be terminal. The KARE Foundation feels blessed we have been able to provide April and her children some financial assistance in the darkest time of her life. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate their new reality. As always, we feel Paul is “steering the ship” to connect us to these families needing KARE Foundation assistance.
Thank you donors and blessings all!