Meet Paul Dostie

“I know when I'm with you guys no matter where it is it will feel like an oasis.”

For those who knew Paul, he was humble, kind, generous, fun, witty, hardworking and he loved his family, friends, community, and LIFE! He was a man of strong faith and a believer in humanity. That day in Oct 2019 when he received the “You have Glioblastoma, a non-curable brain cancer”, it rocked our world beyond measure. As Paul did with everything in life, he took on the challenge with his positive spirit to “FIGHT this FIGHT” against this terrible disease. Even with all his fight, on May 25th, 2021, the battle ended…taking him away from this earthly life. However, his fight with Glioblastoma can NEVER take away the impact he made on everyone he met in his 59 years.

Paul was all about mentoring, giving and helping others. To keep his legacy going, the family decided to establish the Paul Dostie “KARE”, (Kindness Always Rewards Everyone) Foundation to support the things Paul would love his legacy to continue, helping mentor others and supporting families with someone facing a life-threatening disease.  

Complications of the disease may have taken life away from Paul Dostie, but his legacy helping others will continue!!!

The Allie and Paul “Fight” Team

In honor of Paul and to understand the importance of his caring spirit, The KARE Foundation wanted to share a text Paul sent to his family after his diagnosis. Having KARE funds help so many recipients is truly a gift to honor the legacy of Paul and the KARE Foundation family!

“Good morning everyone. I didn't sleep much but my brain was racing with all kinds of random thoughts! I was thinking about how my family has been battling scary medical issues for the last 22 years and realized that these same issues have created the most powerful family bonding moments that most families will never experience! The one that really stands out in my mind was Allie's last open-heart surgery. After weeks of anxiety and worry for the date of the surgery it finally came. We paced the crowded waiting room for 9 hours and we looked up and saw the surgeon rounding the corner with the demeanor of a baseball player rounding home plate after hitting a game winning grand slam!!!! He looked at our terrified faces and said: "the surgery went very well and Allie is off the bypass machine and her heart is functioning on its own" At that moment it felt like a lightning bolt of love and prayers blasted into every one of us! It was a truly magical family bonding moment! I think Betty might have been guiding the lightning bolt from heaven even though she had terrible aim! Maybe she used her GPS but it was a " direct hit"!! I need everyone to create their own family bonding moment. Next time you see a loved one think of something special to say to them and give them a hug! Let's go! " group hug " everyone!!! I promise it will not only brighten their day but yours as well”.

Note: for those who do not know, Betty was our beloved mother who passed suddenly of heart issues in 2006.