Meet the Board

 Linda Dostie Kelly
President / Executive Director

Linda is the oldest of the siblings and after the passing of their mother in 2006, became the “matriarch” of her 3 younger brothers. The family bond has always been strong between the siblings and Paul’s immediate and extended families. The family knew after his passing we needed to keep his legacy alive. Linda recently retired from a career in IT and Program Management as a federal government contractor.  She has also volunteered and supported many non-profit organizations. Her recent retirement has enabled her to have time to focus on the foundation and as President, ensure her brother’s voice and passion for others continues.

Steve Terreri
Vice President / Executive Director

As Paul’s brother-in-law (the husband of Jeanne’s sister Maureen), Steve has been a steadfast supporter to Paul and his family, both from a personal and professional perspective. He considers Paul his brother and Jeanne his sister. Family is a priority for him and will inform his decision making. He volunteered for several years to work with Paul as a business advisor and healthcare advocate. Steve brings decades of leadership and management experience to help guide the Foundation. This includes three decades in the Hematology-Oncology space. Among his highest honors of his life was delivering a eulogy at Paul’s service. He discussed Paul’s overwhelming kindness in life that helped coin the name and mission of the foundation.

Jeanne McManus Dostie
Secretary / Executive Director

As the wife of almost 34 years to Paul Dostie, she too was determined to keep his legacy alive. The battle with Glioblastoma (GBM) was a brutal journey and Jeanne was always by his side and his daily support and cheerleader throughout his grueling treatments. In addition, Paul and Jeanne are parents to a daughter with a critical heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Paul was always worried about his daughter’s health as she endured 3 open heart surgeries in her young life. Part of the legacy the Foundation will preserve is helping other patients with both GBM and HCM to honor Paul and to help others focus on beating these life-threating diseases. Jeanne will be the primary advisor into the selection of candidates receiving KARE foundation funds to help cover travel and/or medical expenseses.

Brian Dostie
Treasurer / Executive Director

As Paul’s youngest brother and business partner, Brian can safely say he has been by Paul’s side almost every day of his life. For those who knew them, most could not say one name without the other. This loss was unimaginable to Brian, and he is determined to continue to honor his brother’s legacy by being part of Board supporting the Paul Dostie KARE foundation. Brian has now taken the technical helm at the Jerry’s Transmission/Dostie Automotive business in Guilford, CT. Brian will be the primary advisor for the selection of candidates for young adults looking to enter the trades so funds from the foundation can help them get the financial aid they need to start their careers.