After the untimely passing of Paul Dostie from Glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer, the family felt strongly about keeping his legacy alive. Paul was known as a mentor, small business owner and mostly, as an amazing friend to all. His humble nature and kindness always touched others.

To honor Paul, the family kicked into gear to establish a non-profit foundation. The Paul Dostie KARE “Kindness Always Rewards Everyone” Foundation is a perfect tribute to Paul. Kindness was always how he treated everyone, and he was always rewarded as a result.

To learn more about Paul and the KARE Foundation, click on the About link. Other pages include Recipients, Benefactors, Corporate Donors, and Memories from prior KARE Events.

Our Mission

The mission of the foundation is to provide funds to help support travel and medical expenses for individuals faced with life threatening illnesses. Paul’s family was impacted by the harsh reality of medical and travel expenses related to both Paul’s illness and that of his daughter Allie, who has a serious heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Paul would be proud to know the mission of his foundation is to help alleviate the stress on families by providing financial support to those in need.

As a small business owner in the automotive industry, Paul was devoted to training and mentoring young talent. The foundation will be committed to help give the financial jump-start in the form of scholarships or other financial support to assist young adults hoping to pursue a career in the trades.

Complications from the disease may have taken life away from Paul Dostie, but his legacy helping others will continue!!!

If you wish to apply for financial assistance for medical travel expenses or starting a career in the trades, please send an email to